Saturday, April 13, 2013

NaPoWriMo 13

Today's NaPoWriMo prompt is to write a poem after taking a walk.

A Cruise Through Wal-Mart with Crying Baby

the cart is mostly full of baby and baby carrier
but groceries rest near him,
his arms not yet long enough to grab the raw chicken or the rattling box of noodles
I stroke his cheek as his dad pushes the cart more quickly than I can walk
and I fall behind
mother who can't quiet the baby 
and who by casual observation
doesn't need to be out during flu season
when she should be at home
doing nurturing things
with the upset baby
who loudly, red-faced, refuses the pacifier
I catch a brick of washcloths (on sale for two dollars)
with the corner of the overstuffed diaper bag
amateur hour, I think to myself, sighing
and since no one saw I let it land with a flump on the floor
and don't even feel bad about not picking it up
not much, anyway
"Let's get the hell out of here," I mutter 
"You can come back without us for the rest."
we go home singing silly songs to the poor inconsolable babe
who hates the carseat
and Walmart

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