About the Blog

This is where I post my flash fiction. I am a copy writer and editor by day, and flash fiction is fairly new to me. It allows me to use my creativity and then pare down my scribbles to just a few hundred
words. I have a confession: whittling my own words is usually more challenging than CTRL+X-ing others' work.

Sometimes I write flash in response to a challenge or a prompt, and sometimes I write flash because I have a nagging idea that can live in just a few paragraphs. Because I'm usually strapped for time, I challenge myself to complete each story within 24 hours. (This hurts me a tiny bit, because we editors like to take a break, reconsider, and meddle again.)

Reading flash fiction is a joy. You get a taste for someone's work in just a couple of minutes, and it is remarkable what some authors can do with so few words. I'm always looking for suggestions, so leave me a comment about who or what I should be reading!